The PhD in Educational Administration and Leadership at Assumption University is perfect for people who want to gain new credentials while working at the same time.

Poonpilas Asavisanu, Ph.D.
Program Director, Educational Administration and Leadership
Philosophy and Religion Program at Assumption University produces scholars with profound and prolific knowledge and wisdom and competency to meet the needs and expectations of society.

Mohammad Manzoor Malik, Ph.D.
Program Director, Philosophy & Religion
Graduate programs in English Language Teaching builds a close community of learners that makes us open to new knowledge and the world.

Marilyn Fernandez Deocampo, Ph.D.
Program Director, English Language Teaching
When some of my school staff here at Pan-Asia ask me to nominate a good university for their Master’s degree in education, I instantly recommend the two outstanding M.Ed. programs at Assumption University - the Master of Education Program in Curriculum & Instruction and the Master of Education Program in Educational Administration and Leadership. I most sincerely recommend the education programs at Assumption University of Thailand for any person who wants to be a creative teacher/leader.
In my view, AU is the best choice for you.

Dr. Husni Hamad
Chairman and Head of Pan-Asia International School
I would like to thank all ABAC instructors of Graduate School of Human Sciences for their perseverance while I was striving to obtain my Ph.D. Degree - English Language Teaching. This achievement is dedicated to all those who have been part of my journey to this point in time. It is not easy but one day you will arrive at the destination where you were intended to be.

Dr.Suthee Khamkaew
Vice Dean for College of Teacher Education, Phranakhon Rajabhat University
School Director at Wat Pra Srimahadhat Secondary Demonstration School, Phranakhon Rajabhat University
School Director at Wat Pra Srimahadhat Secondary Demonstration School, Phranakhon Rajabhat University
Studying philosophy and religion in ABAC improves critical skills and communicative competence which are very important to my career. Significantly, I loved the warm & friendly atmosphere between professors and students there and it is a good & meaningful memory of my life.

Khaimook Laopipattana, Ph.D
Lecturer of Graduate School Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Vice President of Thai Women’s Empowerment Fund of Chonburi
Vice President of Thai Women’s Empowerment Fund of Chonburi
It is an honor to explore the World of Wisdom and grasp the Art of Thinking throughout the Ph.D. Program for Philosophy and Religion at Assumption University. The Professors put a lot of effort to lead you to the path that allows you to reach your potential and goal. I am grateful and proud to be an alumnus of the program of philosophy and religion at Assumption University.

Pornthep Chawla, Ph.D
Director at Blue Sky Development Co.Ltd
Philosophy and Religion Program at Assumption University produces scholars with the rational view and critical thinking. I have obtained professional philosophical training and guidance here, and I was impressed by the professors' profound philosophical knowledge, touched by their humorous words, and inspired by their rigorous academic attitude. I have spent an unforgettable and wonderful time here, thanks to all the professors for their support and help.

Caiqin Liu, Ph.D
The Philosophy and Religion Program at Assumption University provides a multicultural environment where professors and students from different countries and backgrounds can learn from each other both inside and outside the classroom.

Armin Kritzinger, Ph.D
I knew the research-based Ph.D. in English Language Teaching (ELT) Program at Assumption University is a right choice because it allowed me to jump start on my dissertation with my supervisor while teaching full-time. Through workshops/ seminars organized by the Program, I gained constructive feedback from in-house and invited ELT scholars towards my research progress. The connections we made with international graduate students from around the world and the support from the ELT faculty members certainly comforted our Ph.D. journey and made an impact on our professional lives.

Nida Boonma, Ph.D.
Director, Institute for English Language Education (IELE)
Theodore Maria School of Arts, Assumption University
Theodore Maria School of Arts, Assumption University
We, the students of Assumption University, are delighted to announce that we currently hold leadership positions in the "Hrudayaram Group of Counselling Centers", one of the pioneer Mental Health institutions in Kerala and Karnataka, India. We believe that this achievement is attributed to the knowledge imparted by our esteemed teachers at Assumption University, Thailand and the practical experiences gained during the course of study. The challenges and difficulties encountered throughout our academic journey have shaped us into resilient individuals and enhanced our capabilities as mental health professionals, equipping us to tackle even the most demanding roles. We express our sincere appreciation to Assumption University and the committed educators within our esteemed psychology department. The guidance has equipped us with the necessary knowledge and degrees, enabling us to provide counselling and psychotherapy to individuals of all ages seeking mental solace on a daily basis.