Graduate School of Human Sciences

Assumption University of Thailand

Marilyn Fernandaez Decamp Publications

Kraisri, J. & Deocampo, M.F. (2021). How’s my English? The English communication needs of Wellness Spa therapists’ in Thailand. ABAC ODI Journal. January 2021 Issue (Volume 8. No. 2) pp.62-81

Foley, J.A. & Deocampo, M. F. (2021). Posting your thoughts: A pedagogical perspective of blogging. In Dat Bao (ed.) Enhancing pedagogy in Asia Pacific: Voices of Learners, Teachers and Community. Springer, London. Forthcoming

Deocampo, M. F. (2020). Issues and challenges of English language teacher-trainees’ teaching practicum performance: Looking back and going forward. LEARN Journal. Volume 13 Issue 2. 24 June 2020 (July-December Issue) pp. 485-503 [Scopus]

Deocampo, M.F. (2018). Language and Attitude of Invisible Minds: An Appraisal Analysis of Cyber Discourse. ABAC Journal. December 2018 Issue (Volume 38. No.2) pp. 50-66

Deocampo, M.F. (2018). Seepage in Digital Writing: Implications for teaching English as an International language (TEIL). NIDA Journal of Language and Communication. December 2018 Issue (Vol. 23. Issue 34).pp.64-88

Tian, X. & Deocampo, M.F. (2017). A Linguistic Analysis of Chinese Patients’ Attitudes Using Appraisal Theory as Reflected Through Translation, The New English Teacher. August 2017 Issue (Vol. 11.2) pp-40-64

Tanapa, B. & Deocampo, M.F. (2017). An Analysis of Metaphors in Sri Burapha’s Behind the Painting and Ma Ma Lay’s Not Out of Hate. ABAC Journal. Vol. 37.1 (January-June 2017). Pp.83-98

Deocampo, M. F. (2016). A Pedagogical Perspective of Translanguaging in the ASEAN Context. A Lesson from Blogging. LEARN Journal. Volume 9, Issue 1, 2016. Pp. 131-144

Foley, J. A. & Deocampo, M.F. (2016). The use of English as a Lingua Franca in Translation. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics. Volume 5, No. 2 January 2016. Pp. 146-153

Deocampo, M.F. (2019). Reflections. Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society. Volume 09 Number 01 (August-December 2019) pp.114-119

Deocampo, M.F. (2016). Conference Proceedings. “Technology, socio- linguistics identities: The case of the Philippines and Singapore News Blogs.” Presented at the 36th International Conference. The Changing Landscape of ELT: Empowerment through Glocalization. 29-30 January 2016. Pullman Raja Orchid Hotel, Khon Kaen, Thailand. Pp. 31-48

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